Thursday, March 21, 2013

Let the Old Man Die at the Cross

Hey guys. Sorry it's been a while since my last post. Things (most school-oriented) have gotten in the way and I haven't really had a whole lot on my mind to discuss. But tonight, I do.

A few days ago, I and several other students had a rather unusual lecture given by Dr. Meadors, our Biblical Literature professor. I love Dr. Meadors. If I had to give a text-book definition of "a man of God", his name would fit the bill. He is one of the most inspiring and devoted men of faith I've ever had the privilege of knowing.

During that lecture, he started talking about Jesus' crucifixion, and what it really meant that day he gave his life so that we could live in return. He showed a gruesome, disturbing and ultimately horrifying video depicting the history of crucifixion. It really put me in my savior's shoes, even though I can't even begin to imagine what that would have been like. No one can.

After the video, Meadors brought the idea of "letting the old man die at the cross". It's the idea of imagining ourselves being crucified with Jesus, suffering just as he suffered, and ultimately dying with him, leaving all of our sins at the cross. I guess that really what it means to be a "born-again Christian." The old man in ourselves must die with the sinful nature that we are grown accustomed to.

But what happens when that old man comes lingering back? What if the old ways come back to haunt us and get the best of us? Is that old man really dead? Are we really "born-again" like we say we are?
Of course, we are naturally sinful beings. It is very difficult for us to be completely reborn without the help of our friends, family, and of course Jesus. We have to fight the old man inside us. Keep him at bay with every fiber of our being.

So this coming Easter, are you going to be the "born-again" Christian that you want to be, or is that old man still going to be alive inside you? Let the old man die at the cross, and live a new, and much better life. A life with Christ in your heart.

Saturday, December 22, 2012

It's a Wonderful Life. It really is.

I'll never forget the first time I sat down and watched Frank Capra's marvelous work, It's a Wonderful Life. I must have been around the age of 10 or 11, and I'll tell you what: I was in no mood to watch a movie made in 1946 and filmed in black and white. Seriously, what kid would? I would have rather watched The Santa Clause 2. Good thing my dad knows a thing or two about classic flicks, and judging by the fact that almost every movie that I viewed with my dad as ended up being a favorite (Rocky, Back to the Future, Scent of a Woman, to name a few) I sat down in my favorite comfy chair and watched in pure joy the message Frank Capra had to deliver.

Ever since then, I have never, I repeat, never, missed a viewing of It's a Wonderful Life around the festive season, and tonight I continued that tradition. But for some reason, this viewing has affected me the most. It was emotional, and seemed more relevant for me to watch it this year than I ever had. I even began to feel a lump in my throat and started to tear up near the end when George Bailey's friends and family donate money to help save his job, and most importantly, his life.

That doesn't make much sense to me. I've seen it nearly twenty times and I never got that emotional. Why should I this time around? Then I began to think about this past year, and how much I've grown in my spiritual life. And the bottom line is this, friends: God is good.

I realized how many blessings that I have in my life; the school I go to, the friends I have there, the friends I have at home, the parents that raised me, the grandparents that raised them, my passion for film-making and storytelling, my cat, etc. I felt a bit overwhelmed. There's a lot to be thankful for.

Frank Capra asked us a simple question: are you thankful for the blessings in your life? I know I am, even if it took me a while to realize it. Needless to say, I'm so glad I received that wake up call like George Bailey.

God has given me a wonderful life, and if you give Him the chance, He will do the same for you.
